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Consultation and Joint Endeavor Among All Stakeholders

China,multilateralism,United Nations,U.S. hegemony

Multilateralism is one of the key notions in China’s diplomatic discourse. Unlike the European Union, China tends to defifine multilateralism as a consultation process amongst all related members of the international community, so that their fundamental interests and appeals can be fully heard and considered. In the Chinese view, multilateralism features inclusive participation, UN leadership, and the goal of democratization of international relations. It is believed that, as a historical trend, multilateralism is not only crucial for tackling various global challenges, but it also helps foster a favorable international environment for China’s sustainable development. Multilateralism has been deeply ingrained in the UN over the past two decades. Notably, both China’s fifinancial contribution to the UN and the number of personnel sent on UN peacekeeping missions have grown rapidly in recent years. Also, China has been advocating the notion of a “community of shared future for mankind” on UN platforms, hoping to share its experience of development with the world. As China deepens its engagement with international organizations, however, the United States is making every effffort to constrain China’s inflfluence in the UN. In the future, China needs to work closely with supporters of multilateralism, especially developing countries, so as to play a greater role in the UN.

author: Mao Ruipeng
